Living Ground Self Reliance Courses

Courses and Ebooks to Empower Your Journey to Self-reliance and Natural Living

living ground self reliance

Living Ground is a transformative educational project offering comprehensive online Self Reliance courses focused on self-reliance and harmonious living. Our Project Site in Southern Ecuador is a living manifestation of these foundational courses. Our motto is to choose life: inward, onward, outside, in, aboundingly. We aim to empower individuals with tools for life, whether it be the soils, gardens, our human microbiome, foods and herbs as medicine, and the terrain theory of life.

Self Reliance Online Courses

Live Blood Analysis in our layperson course. No experience necessary. Gain the skills to interpret your own blood samples, unlocking vital health insights. This knowledge empowers you to make independent, informed decisions about your well-being. Take control of your health journey, reducing reliance on external diagnostics. Cultivate self-sufficiency in understanding your body’s needs.

Live blood analysis for the layperson

Cultivate self-reliance through our Soil Microbiome and Homestead Gardening course. Learn to nurture thriving soil ecosystems, creating nutrient-dense food sources in your own backyard. Master techniques for sustainable, microbe-rich gardening. Decrease dependence on commercial food systems while increasing your ability to nourish yourself and your community naturally.

Abundance from the living ground - self reliance courses

Understand and harness the power of your microbiome with our science of the microbiome and kitchen alcemy course.. First, understand the crucial role of beneficial microbes in health. Master Kitchen Alchemy to create your own probiotic-rich foods. Learn preservation and fermentation techniques, enabling your true health. Boost your independence in maintaining optimal gut health.

mircrobial morsels self reliance courses

live blood for the layperson
Soil Microbiome Self Reliance courses
Human Microbiome course

Inspired By Living Ground

Living Ground Project

Living Ground is a pioneering project in southern Ecuador, a vibrant hub where we actively practice and demonstrate the principles we teach, including soil microbe farming, market gardens, food forests, live blood analysis, a commercial kitchen, and plans for a microbe cafe and natural health store.

More than an educational center, Living Ground nurtures a deep connection with nature through sustainable living. Our hands-on approach immerses visitors in regenerative practices and holistic well-being.

We invite you to join this transformative journey, gaining invaluable knowledge and skills. Experience living in harmony with nature through our microbe and health tourism, apprenticeships, and educational offerings focused on self-reliance, sustainability, and interconnectedness.

For the children and grandchildren of the future!

Self Reliance Courses - Living Ground Project