Living Ground Self Reliance Courses

Full Course: Live Blood for the Layperson


Live Blood Analysis for the Layperson

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Course Objective

This course aims to teach the main markers of Live Blood Analysis and offer natural health protocols based on terrain theory, empowering students to take a holistic approach to well-being.


The various terms used to describe the different blood cells seen under the microscope are the same – whether they are used in a medical context or as part of a live blood analysis (LBA) assessment. The main difference between medical blood tests and Live Blood Analysis lies in the preparation of the blood sample and the purpose.

Medical blood tests are conducted by medical professionals, such as doctors, to diagnose diseases. They employ a variety of blood tests to detect levels and presence of various blood elements, allowing them to eliminate certain diseases or affirm the possibility of others. However, a single blood test alone is not definitively diagnostic. The blood sample is mixed with an anticoagulant to prevent clotting and sent to a laboratory for processing in machines that separate and measure the various components. Alternatively, a drop of blood may be stained and examined under a microscope. Results are graded based on a statistical range to determine what is considered normal or abnormal.

The problem is, even if test results fall within the “normal” range, it doesn’t necessarily mean an individual feels well.

Live Blood Analysis, on the other hand, is used in complementary medicine fields like nutrition, naturopathy, and homeopathy. A drop of the blood is examined under a microscope, and the information gained is used to check for signs of imbalances.  Unlike medical tests, the LBA blood sample is not stained or treated with chemicals, allowing it to be viewed in its “live” state as soon as possible after extraction.

By magnifying the blood 1,000 times, you can observe the health of individual cells, assess their functionality, and identify abnormalities that may indicate nutritional deficiencies, membrane damage, immune system activation, inflammation, digestive issues, or pH imbalances. The purpose of LBA is to educate and motivate individuals by identifying how lifestyle habits are reflected in their blood, and to address the root causes of their health symptoms.



Live Blood for the Layperson complete course.

Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive Live Blood Analysis course. This intermediate-level program features 7 modules and 16 lessons, designed to empower you to analyze and interpret your own live blood. Gain invaluable insights into your overall well-being and discover how lifestyle choices and environmental factors influence your inner terrain.


Course Details – Microscope equipment is required for this course.

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1 review for Full Course: Live Blood for the Layperson

  1. Emma McCabe

    Leisha is a critical thinker, does her research, makes it her own and through her experiences she keeps challenging the knowledge available.
    I am very happy she puts her effort in making her knowlegde available in this book for others and she does that in comprehensive and practical way. Thank you Leisha

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